Suffering From Adult Acne? You May Have Medical Conditions Causing Your Skin Outbreaks

Suffering From Adult Acne? You May Have Medical Conditions Causing Your Skin Outbreaks

You are 25 years old, or older. Your teen years are behind you - but your skin seems to not know. Opposite - your acne breakouts are getting more severe and more persistent…

Or perhaps you did not suffer from acne as a teen and now at the age of 35 your skin shows very troubling signs of adult acne.

What may be responsible for this condition?

Acne is a manifestation of an internal imbalance and the result of an overproduction of sebum (skin oil) that clogs pores and mixed with dirt and bacteria gives impetus for the onset of the acne cascade.

There are different reasons behind this imbalanced sebum production such as hormonal imbalance, genetics, lifestyle and even environmental factors. But for some adult acne sufferers we need to look for other diseases that may be the underlining cause behind adult acne.

Potential Medical Conditions behind Adult Acne.

Adult acne is a skin disease that you can encounter at any point of life.

80 percent of all people experience acne at some point during their lifetime. Acne also occurs in both men and women regardless of age, women experience acne more frequently than men.

There was a time when people associated acne with adolescence and puberty; not anymore. Teen acne is primarily caused by fluctuating hormones a condition evident during the puberty. The fact of the matter is that acne can occur at any age: twenties, thirties, and even later.

There are also specific medical conditions that may cause acne.

1. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common disease in women characterized by irregular periods, excessive facial hair, weight gain, and acne. At the root of PCOS is hormonal irregularity therefore the acne treatment regimen must be combined with correcting this medical condition.

2. Cushing Syndrome

Cushing Syndrome is caused by an excess level of adrenal hormones. The symptoms of Cushing Syndrome include obesity, stretch marks, a moon-like (puffed up) face, excessive facial hair, and acne.

Cushing Syndrome is a serious disease that has many serious health consequences. Again- acne, alone, cannot be treated unless the hormonal cause is corrected.

3. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

This is a congenital condition and usually diagnosed at birth. However, in some atypical cases of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), the symptoms are not immediately evident and the disease may remain undiagnosed. Later in life, these patients can present with refractory acne that is very difficult to control.

Acne in CAH is caused by excessive androgens (testosterone is one of androgens) in the blood and improving and controlling those levels with appropriate medication is also a treatment for acne

Acne Due To Certain Drugs

Certain drugs have the potential to cause acne breakouts. These drugs are mostly hormonal and that is why women using contraceptive pills often experience acne. Some vitamin supplements and other drugs may also be the culprits at times. A few of these drugs are testosterone, progesterone, steroids (used in bone and muscle problems and cancer treatment) , lithium, phenytoin (used to treat depression and epilepsy) , isoniazid, vitamins B2, B6, and B12. (used as supplements and sometimes used in excess)

It is important to note that if you notice 3 or more conditions described above a visit with a doctor is highly recommended.

Adult Acne Caused by Changes in Physiological Conditions

  • Premenstrual Acne

    Many women with acne-prone skin experience a premenstrual flare of acne
    This is a physiological phenomenon that occurs with your menstrual cycle each month. Hormonal changes that take place during the cycle are to blame for these acne flare-ups. When the level of progesterone rises, it causes adult acne that recedes as your hormones return to normal.

  • Pregnancy Related Acne

    Many pregnant women experience pregnancy associated adult acne. This occurs due to high levels of progesterone and other hormones associated with pregnancy

    Please remember that Accutane (isotretinoin)is strongly prohibited before you plan for becoming pregnant and during the pregnancy and should not be used in any form. It may cause serious problems to unborn baby.

  • Menopausal And Post-Menopausal Acne

    Menopausal and post-menopausal women frequently face acne problems. This is again mainly a result of changes in hormone levels due to a reduction in female hormone production by their ovaries which results in androgens like testosterone predominating and causing acne breakouts. Androgens are known to stimulate sebaceous glands to increase sebum production, leading to acne.

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