Acne elimination tips

5 Back to School Acne Skincare Tips that Will Transform Your Look
Going back to school means a lot of things-seeing old friends, making new ones, and unfortunately, homework. However, one thing that it shouldn't mean is a fear of acne breakouts. Thankfully, if you're smart and proactive about your skincare, there's no need to worry about pesky problems like that. Here are five tips to help ensure that your new school year is filled with clear skin and self-confidence.
What Can Aloe Vera Really do for Acne?

The association between aloe vera and skincare is nothing new-people have been using it to treat everything from sunburns to eczema for centuries now. However, is this plant extract also a good addition for acne prone skin? The answer is a bit of a mixed bag.

First and foremost, it's important to remember that aloe vera cannot really cure your acne on its own. The only solution for permanently stopping breakouts is addressing the problem at its root. However, that being said, aloe can work as a wonderful supplemental product for certain acne-related issues.  In its pure form, it's a non-comedogenic moisturizer with anti- inflammatory properties.

5 Tips for Resisting the Urge to Pop Your Pimples [...And Why You Shouldn't Pop!]
Large and small pimples are only one of acne's physical symptoms, but they are easily the most noticeable, discussed, and most hated. Because of this, people are normally willing to do whatever it takes to get rid of them as soon as possible without considering the long-term impact on their skin and without understanding that the superficial removal of a pimple is very far from treating acne. Short term, you may get rid of this ugly white head sticking out from your skin, but popping pimples can increase your risk of getting new and more severe pimples or cysts in the future as it actually opens "a window" for infection and may spread bacteria throughout your skin too. Furthermore popping pimples damages the skin tissue, and if this damage is deep enough it will lead to acne scars and marks.
5 Ways to Keep Your Acne Under Control This Summer
No one likes dealing with the summer heat, and for acne sufferers it's not just a matter of staying comfortable-they're also worried that the hot weather may negatively affect their breakouts. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your skin during the dog days of summer. Don't let the heat get you down-use these tips to keep yourself safe from the sun.

Try to Limit Sun Exposure During the Hottest Times of the Day

If you're able to avoid sun exposure during the hottest times of the day, which are later afternoon in the summer, then by all means do so because you'll be missing out on both the heat and UV rays that can negatively impact your skin.
The Truth about Gluten and Acne

Ten years ago, the average person would have never even heard of gluten; however, today it seems to be the one thing that people can't stop talking about! It also became a nutritional villain blamed for all sorts of health issues, and a marketing bonanza occurred within the food industry as a whole range of gluten-free products were born and brought to market to provide those who truly should avoid (and those who believe they should avoid) gluten rich products.

So is this anti-gluten rally a step in the right direction to healthier living or yet another food fad?  And more importantly, can eliminating gluten really help with acne breakouts?

Understanding the Link Between Dairy Products and Acne
Even though food is not responsible for the underlying hormonal causes of acne, there are certain products that have the potential to exacerbate acne breakouts or prime your skin for new breakouts in the future. Dairy products are frequently cited as one of these "problem foods", which has caused many an acne sufferer to abandon some of their favorite dairy-based treats in the hopes that this dietary switch would make their acne problems finally go away for good.
Summer Treats and Sweets That Make Your Skin Happy

Summer is officially here, and for most people that means eating lots of chilly treats to stay cool. However, when it comes to keeping your skin healthy and acne free, not all treats are created equal-many of our summertime favorites are loaded with excess sugar, which can lead to skin inflammation or glycation (a loss of skin elasticity and sheen due to collagen deterioration-collagen serves as the building blocks of the skin).

If you're smart about it though, there are plenty of summer treat options out there that won't wreak havoc on your skin! It's all matter of finding foods which have many of the important vitamins and minerals for good skin health, and thankfully there are plenty out there.

Keep in mind that simply eating healthy foods won't treat or reverse conditions like acne, which has more of a hormonal basis than a dietary one; however, these skin-friendly foods do a good job of supplementing treatments that do address conditions like acne directly.

How to Safely Treat Acne during Pregnancy

Your Drug-Free Acne Skincare Routine & Treatment

Along with the excitement of being pregnant means many changes in your body. One of them is a dramatic increase in hormone production, especially sex hormones such as androgens (testosterone), estrogen and progesterone. These are among the most potent stimulators of sebaceous glands. The overproduction of sebum (skin oil) by sebaceous glands is the first step in acne forming. The accumulated sebum together with bacteria, dead skin cells and dirt will lead to inflammation and infection manifesting itself as pimples, cysts, and in milder cases whiteheads and blackheads.  

The fact is that more than 1 in 2 women will develop acne during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. The problem is how to manage acne during the pregnancy while ensuring the safety of baby and mother, and to help the woman to feel the best she can during this very important period of her life. After all, a happy mommy is the best mommy.

Below is some important information on what to avoid, and what you can actually do to safely manage your acne during pregnancy.

Keeping Your Skin Breakout-Free in Extreme Winter Temperatures (Plus a Bonus DIY Toner!)

We do everything we can to keep our skin healthy. We change our skincare routines to suit the season, we try to eliminate any ingredients that may be harming our skin. We eat seasonal, organic, acne-friendly foods and remain dedicated to our acne treatment regimen. But sometimes, mother nature throws us a loop. Sometimes, the mild winter weather our skin was doing just fine in is suddenly arctic and unrelenting--and that takes its toll on our skin. Traveling from a cold destination to a warm destination can take the same toll.  

So how do we keep our skin healthy during these crazy temperatures?

Don't like Valentine's Day? Have a Mini "Spa" Party!

Not everyone wants overpriced roses and fancy dinner dates for Valentine's Day. So if you find yourself looking for a different way to celebrate YOU on Valentine's Day this year, consider throwing a mini spa party for yourself and even your friends! Also be sure to check out our other Valentine's Day articles for some healthy treat ideas and skin-friendly cocktail recipes!

Skin-friendly Valentine's Day Cocktails

Having acne-prone skin doesn't mean having to miss out on all the fun of either celebrating or not celebrating Valentine's Day! You can still enjoy yourself and enjoy a cocktail right alongside your friends without exacerbating your acne. 

You might be wondering what sort of cocktail you could sample (of course, if you are 21 years old or older and... in moderation) that won't give you sugar overload and negatively affect your skin. Try these 2 amazing cocktail recipes - your friends won't believe how healthy and skin-friendly they are!

Valentine's Day Fun Your Skin Will Love

When we think of Valentine's Day, we usually think of candy hearts and boxes of chocolate from friends and loved ones. And for those of us with acne, we think about how eating all of this extra sugar may wreak havoc on our skin.   

Need some V-Day ideas your skin will love? We've got you covered! 

1. Handmade Valentines: Feeling loved and loving others is a surefire way to boost your mood.  A happy person is one less likely to fall prey to stress, which can exacerbate acne. So spread the love this Valentine's Day with handmade valentines. Taking the time to craft a heartfelt message to your loved ones will remind you how happy you make each other, and your skin will glow with knowledge that powerful.  

3 Best Tips to Keep Your Super Bowl Sunday Acne Skin-Friendly

You want to throw a rocking Super Bowl party--what you don't want to do is ruin the fun by chowing down on foods that may sabotage all your progress to get acne-free. Luckily, there are easy ways to turn your Super Bowl Sunday skin-friendly without ruining the fun.

1. Make it from scratch

You know that pizza you were planning to pick up from the local takeout? Oh, and that store-bought guacamole? Forget about them and make your own. We know you're busy, but think of how much better you'll feel knowing you're munching on the healthiest, most nutrient-dense pizza and guacamole possible.

Toss your own whole wheat pizza dough into a thin crust. To keep the sugar to a minimum, skip the tomato sauce and top with a variety of fresh, organic, veggies--tomatoes, peppers, spinach, squash, you name it--and a sprinkle of organic cheese. Bake and slice into small, finger-food-sized squares and share with your friends.

Are Freshly Made Fruit & Veggie Juices Beneficial for Acne-Prone Skin?
Lots of people are drinking fruit and vegetable juices these days that they actually extract themselves to be sure they get the freshest ingredients. So you might be wondering, how beneficial is it for the health of acne-prone skin? Is it the right option for me?

1. What goes into your juicer makes a difference

Some of the fruits and vegetables that you'll find at your local markets can actually help to heal, cleanse and nourish your skin from within. However, you don't want to get too excited and start throwing any fruit or vegetable you can find into your juicer. Some fruits may be better for your acne-prone skin than others. For example, if you have found in the past that you don't handle apples well, then you probably shouldn't throw them into the mix: juicing fruits or vegetables that aren't right for YOUR BODY won't magically make them good for you.

Post-Holiday 3-Day Detox For Acne Prone Skin

Okay, let's be honest: we may have succumbed to temptation (some more, some less) over the holidays, and now we need a decisive action to repair potential damage we did to our regimen for acne-free skin.

Follow these 3 essential steps to get back on track. The best scenario involves combining all 3 steps in a 3-day super detox. If you cannot do it all together however, do it in 2 or 3 consecutive mini-detox periods. 

3-Day Easy & Healthy Cleansing:

  • Eat 1/2 of your normal food portions.
  • Drink twice as much water or mint or chamomile tea as you usually drink.  
  • Do not consume any desserts, cookies, sugar or any sugar substitutes.
  • Do not drink coffee, hot cocoa or alcohol (or any products containing them.
4 Festive Makeup Tips That Will Transform Your Look and Reduce Acne Breakouts
It's natural to want to spice up your look for new year's, but it's important that you do it in a way that will not make your acne worse or impede the healing effects of your acne treatment.

1. The basics

Both women and men should look for non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) foundations and concealers if they want to cover up their acne or any marks and scars. Make sure your makeup does not contain any of the following comedogenic oils

Acne-Friendly Recipes that Won't Ruin Your Skin or Holiday Spirit!
It can be tough to eat right for your acne-prone skin around the holidays, especially if you're surrounded by family recipes that aren't exactly acne-friendly. The best solution for you and your skin is to prepare a few dishes that are acne-friendly and that everyone can enjoy. Here are some acne-friendly recipes to get you started:

1. The main dish

Broiled Seafood
Choose one of the following meats that are great for acne-prone skin. Always look for wild-caught when it comes to fish.

How to Have a Breakout-Free 12 Days Before Christmas

The holiday season is a time for beauty but also for stress and cutting corners on proper skincare, eating habits, and a healthy lifestyle (including getting regular sleep and exercise). It's no surprise that this is the time for acne to flare up.

So to make it up to your skin for slacking in these areas, here's a 12-day guide to keeping breakouts away:

Clean and exfoliate naturally

Before exfoliating naturally with a papaya mask, try holding your face over a sink full of steaming hot water for a few minutes. This will open your pores and prep the skin for effective but gentle exfoliation. 

7 Easy Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress & Avoid Acne Flare-ups

Stress is a horrible feeling no matter what time of year it is, but it's especially horrible around the holidays, when it tends to creep up on us and keep us from getting the most out of family time.

Even more unfortunate is the fact that stress is more than just a feeling. No matter what kind of stress you're experiencing, your body will respond in the same way: Adrenaline, the number one stress hormone, speeds up the heartbeat, breathing and metabolic rate to give you a necessary rush of extra energy. Adrenaline is produced and stored in our two adrenal glands, which are situated on top of the kidneys. With long-term stress, these glands will deplete.

Too much stress on our systems releases excess stress-related hormones, enzymes and other chemicals that leave us anxious and tense--and also with overstimulated sebaceous glands, which leads to more acne.

4 Tips to Keep Acne Skin Healthy This Winter

When winter brings cold air, harsh winds and falling snow our way, we're quick to trade in our summer T-shirts and fall jackets for heavier coats, fluffy scarves and warm gloves. But did you know you should be changing more than just the clothes you wear on your body? It's very possible you need to change the products you use on your body, as well.

If you have acne-prone skin, winter calls for a different skincare regimen than the one that got you through the warmer months. Failing to adjust your skincare routine could result in dry, flaky skin that will only make acne worse.

Follow these 4 tips to keep your skin healthy this winter, and come this spring you'll find your skin is as fresh as the blooming flowers.
Acne Skin-Friendly Halloween Makeup. Treat - Don't Trick - Your Skin This Halloween

Who doesn't want to go a bit overboard with makeup on Halloween? Though this is the time to get away with it, you still may want to do it in a way that does not exasperate your acne.  

Here are some Halloween tips to look crazy-good but let your acne-prone skin survive the night.

1. Accentuate - Do Not Experiment

Acne is a result of your pores being stuffed with too much sebum (skin oil) mixed with dirt, sweat, dead skin cells and, of course, bacteria.

The Power of Pumpkins & Your Acne - Menu Ideas & Mask Included!
Pumpkins. We can't get enough of them during the Halloween and Thanksgiving season.

We carve them, we stick them on our porches, we wait on line for once-a-year lattes, we make pies and soups and then we forget about pumpkins until next year.

So let's talk about why pumpkins should be on our minds all year round if you have acne.

Pumpkins are rich in nutrients and microelements that our skin and body can benefit from:

  • Like carrots, sweet potatoes or oranges, pumpkins have an antioxidant power and are loaded with beta-carotene (arytenoids), which neutralize free radicals. This helps keep our skin healthy and young and may prevent cancer according to the National Cancer Institute.
  • Pumpkin seeds are rich in amino acids and Vitamin B that are great for the skin. They are also rich in a special amino acid called tryptophan - that is important in the production of serotonin (our good mood player) so you don't only get healthy skin but are also happy!
  • Feel a cold coming on? Rich in Vitamin C, pumpkins may help to boost your immune system. One cup of pumpkin soup has 20% or 60 mg of the daily-recommended dose of Vitamin C (15% of the amount recommended for men as they need 75 mg).
  • The generous amount of fiber in pumpkin helps your GI system to keep healthy and helps in controlling sugar levels and a healthy weight.
6 Quick Tips to Save Your Acne-Prone Skin

1. Do Not Go to Sleep With Makeup

Acne-prone skin is usually a victim of too much sebum (skin oil) being produced by your sebaceous glands. It clogs your pores, and together with dirt, dead skin cells and of course bacteria will produce inflammation that manifests itself as pimples, comedones or cysts. Even the best makeup staying on your face overnight will add to this inflammation. Wash it out religiously each night.

2. Do Not Exercise With Makeup

When you exercise, you sweat... and sweat is a mixture of water and your skin oils. Adding makeup to this mix will clog your pores more and cause breakouts and enlarged pores, possibly perpetuating the acne cycle. 

Can You Over-Clean Your Acne-Prone Skin?
Beating acne is not really about what we put on our skin, but about the right treatment that will address the causes of acne (hyperactive sebaceous glands and the inflammation cascade that follows sebum-clogged pores). Since acne is the result of what happens inside of your body, topical products have only a miniscule impact on getting acne under control. Nevertheless, even though the treatment needs to come from the inside, what we do to our skin on the outside may either help or impede the treatment.

Cleaning your skin appropriately is recognized as potentially one of the most important "helpers" in acne treatment, as it can help remove bacteria-attracting dirt and extra, clogging dead skin cells from the pores. Unfortunately, if done inappropriately cleaning may actually hurt your acne-prone skin.

5 Rules for Cleaning Your Acne-Prone Skin

Acne-Friendly Kitchen: Foods that can help to keep your skin clear

Although diet is not the cause of skin problems like acne, it plays an important role in their treatment. A poor diet can exacerbate acne, even if you do everything else right, but a good diet can help fight it. Since acne is an external manifestation of an internal disorder, the right foods can heal, cleanse and nourish your skin from within.

Here is the perfect menu to keep your kitchen acne-friendly:

Acne-Friendly Breakfast: Kiwi-flaxseed oatmeal and a skin-cleansing raspberry-pineapple-ginger smoothie

Why? If you don’t have wheat allergies, whole grains are great for you. They’re an excellent source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, thiamine, iron, beta-glucan (which may help regulate blood sugar), vitamin B6, and the antioxidants known as avenanthramides (which may help promote healthy circulation). Flaxseed provides a good dose of vitamins E and B6 as well as essential fatty acids (EFAs). Kiwi is rich in many microelements including zinc, which is great for acne-prone skin and also contains a load of antioxidants. A skin-cleansing raspberry-pineapple-ginger smoothie is a great healing drink that will reduce inflammation, provide a healthy dose of antioxidants and help your skin, and body, to regain a healthy balance.

Small Changes - a Big Difference in Caring for Acne-Prone Skin

Acne breakouts do not come from what you put on your skin, so they cannot be treated by topical products. In short-most acne may be traced to fluctuations in hormone levels, especially androgens (male hormones, also known as testosterone), and their power to over-stimulate sebaceous glands. As acne results from inflammation caused by sebum-clogged hair follicles (pores) and bacteria, routing out the factors that cause overproduction of sebum is very important. So if you want to break the acne cycle, you need to help the body to balance itself and stop over-stimulating the sebaceous glands.

That said, we also need to remember that the skin is the largest organ of our body. Just the top layer of the skin (epidermis) covers about 3000 square inches! This big organ is also a very vulnerable one, and your habits can either help to fight acne or... actually make your breakouts worse.

Coconut oil. Does it REALLY help acne?

Although it may sound counterintuitive, some natural oils may help to fight oily skin and improve breakouts. There is much talk about coconut oil and whether or not it's effective in helping acne prone skin, so here are the facts.

Acne and its predecessor, oily skin, are results of over production of sebum (skin oil) by sebaceous glands.  The increase in sebum production can lead to clogged pores (whiteheads and blackheads), which accumulate dead skin cells as well as bacteria.  This combination leads to a local inflammatory response, which if chronic, can lead to damage to the surrounding tissue. Acne and oily skin have to be treated from the inside out by removing the cause of excessive sebum production, the common denominator for both acne and oily skin.
Are your hormones causing your acne?

In short, yes - most acne may be traced to fluctuations in hormone levels, especially androgens (male hormones also known as testosterone), and their power to over stimulate sebaceous glands. As acne results from inflammation caused by sebum clogged hair follicles (pores) and bacteria, ruling out the factors that cause over production of sebum is very important.  

Treatment will help your body to negotiate or even eliminate the hormonal imbalance.

Raspberry Oily Skin Face Mask: Get Less Breakouts and Less Shine

Oils produced by your skin's sebaceous glands are necessary to keep your skin healthy and supple. We would all be scaly and more like alligators without these oils! But as often in life, too much of a good thing is not good either - like the over-production of sebum (skin oil), which may lead to acne. Additionally, being too shiny is also a beauty problem that affects the way we look and our confidence. And since we often use make-up to camoflage blemishes, having very oily skin can interfere with make-up application and coverage.

Dermatologists agree that the most effective way to manage oily skin is to cleanse your face both morning and night, and to use oil absorbing masks. You need to use a gentle cleanser since harsh soaps can trigger the skin's protective reaction, and can increase oil production further. For the same reason, stay away from rubbing and buffing your skin; use a pat and dry system to limit the possibility of stimulating more oil secretion.

Acne-Free Daily Skincare Routine

Before you begin to enjoy a daily skin care routine designed to provide you with healthy skin, please note the following general guidelines. 

General Guidelines

  • More is not always better.  Don't apply more than ONE mask daily.
  • Always apply a mask to freshly cleansed skin
  • Cleaning your face with products that suit YOU is a foundation of healthy skin 
  • NEVER go to sleep with your makeup on
  • After you exercise, clean your skin
  • Exfoliation (peeling) should not be done more than once a week
  • Use your sunscreen especially after using any exfoliating/peeling products
  • Alternate the fruit and veggie DIY moisturizing masks; we provide you with many of them on our blog.
  • The best way to use moisturizing and rejuvenating masks is every other day or every two days; especially before big events - not every day.
  • Observe your skin; if you see that some ingredients don't agree with you (ex. make your skin red, sensitized, itchy), stop using the masks and just use the chamomile astringent only.  Even nature isn't always right!
The Truth About Acne Scars

It's hard enough to fight acne.  But what is a person to do if these breakouts leave long lasting marks and scars on the skin? Acne scars result from constant damage to the skin due to acne pustules and papules, pimples/zits, cysts etc. Each pimple is associated with an inflammatory reaction, which causes local tissue damage when combating bacteria trapped in the clogged pores of the skin. On top of this, if you squeeze or pop pimples, this damage may be even more substantial.

When you get a cut on your skin, a scab starts to form, which actually helps it to heal. Acne pimples that become inflamed are like little cuts that need to heal; with chronic acne, repeat pimples and inflammation don't give enough time for the skin to heal properly. Therefore, the FIRST thing that must been done to break the cycle of creating new scars and marks (acne marks are also acne scars but less deep) is to PREVENT acne. This will allow collagen production and new tissue to rebuild your skin (at least partially) and as a result, make scars less visible, and marks vanish. So, PREVENTING NEW ACNE FROM FORMING IS THE FIRST CRUCIAL STEP TO GETTING RID OF ACNE SCARS AND MARKS.

An Acne Fighting Machine: The Revealing Story Behind the Innovation of AcnEase®

Natural medicine has been used by people of all cultures for centuries. In some regions (cultures) such as China, India or Japan where natural medicine actually thrived for thousands of years, it has become a well-documented experiential body of knowledge. As different types of grapes have been grown and used on various continents to make different types and different quality of wine, a rich variety of different species of plants and herbs have been used around the world to treat similar ailments.

Modern natural medicine uses natural herbs and plants together with other natural ingredients based on principles and discipline of modern science, using testing, research, analysis, innovation and sophisticated equipment. But a "smart" modern natural medicine does not forget or deny the centuries of experiential knowledge of its grandfather - instead it learns from it, and then confirms it or rejects it based on the scientific data.